CoasterDex is a new and continually evolving service. Our short term plan is to build out the data we have on rides and parks before moving on to new features.
In progress ⚡️
Park & ride data
Building out our core park and ride data is core to the CoasterDex roadmap and considered key to it's success.
Trip planning and recording.
iOS / Android App
A iOS and Android App is currently being designed and is considered core to the full CoasterDex proposition.
Planned ✏️
Improved search
e.g. Better filtering options such as multi-select filtering.
User bucket lists
Curate and manage lists of the rides you want to experience.
User rankings
Curate and manage lists of your favourite rides.
Related rides
e.g. sister rides, clones, replacements.
A friends type system allowing users to connect, social network style
Nice to haves ⛅️
Ride intensity scale
A nicer, visual way of showing the intensity of a ride.
Are we missing something? Want to see a certain feature? Get in touch.